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Resources and Tools

The following tools and resources are available to the Boise State community. For even more tips on how to create, publish, and share accessible content, visit the Take Action page. If you have a tool or resource that should be on this page, use the Submit a Tool or Resource link to let us know.

Resources and Tools Directory

ADA / 504 Compliance

Boise State University is committed to providing equal access to individuals with disabilities and complying with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, and other relevant laws.

Visit the ADA / 504 Compliance page for an overview of the ADA / 504 Coordinator’s responsibilities and access links to resources.

Communication Tools

Salesforce Marketing Cloud

An enterprise Constituent Relationship Management (CRM) system to provide a centralized source of data, allowing us to make more informed decisions, foster collaboration, and enable the right engagement with the right person at the right time. Learn more about Salesforce at Boise State

Documents and Publishing

Adobe Acrobat Pro

Boise State University provides Adobe Acrobat Pro licenses at no cost for current Boise State faculty and staff. The software is authorized for installation only on university-owned computers. You can use the built-in accessibility checker to review the accessibility of your PDF documents. Request access to Adobe Acrobat Pro

Branded Templates

Take the guesswork out of your next design. Create useful, branded materials quickly and accurately with one of these Branded Templates.


Before publishing your PDF documents on WordPress, you can request an accessibility review by the Web Accessibility Team. Please note, this is a service provided for documents that are published on to ensure compliance with university policy. Submit a Document for Accessibility Review

Idaho Training Clearinghouse Learning Lab – BITS videos

Access short videos on a variety of topics related to accessible documents including:

  • Accessible templates
  • Sizing your type
  • Choosing a typeface
  • Headings and styles in word
  • Building lists
  • Line spacing for accessibility
  • Alt text
  • Accessible hyperlinks
  • Table basics
  • Is it a table?
  • Accessible color contrast
  • Word accessibility review
  • PPT accessibility review
  • Saving as a PDF (Mac)
  • Saving as a PDF (PC)
  • PDF accessibility review

Tools for the Classroom


Canvas is where instructors can create and manage courses, students can access course materials and assignments, and both can communicate and collaborate. In addition, Canvas offers a variety of features that cater to different learning needs and promotes an accessible learning environment for all students at Boise State.

Online Course Consultation

Teaching online? Get help from eCampus Center experts! Pick a topic on their form and they’ll chat to find solutions. Visit eCampus Center Consultations


Audio and video-equipped classrooms and computers allow instructors to record classes using Panopto.

Zoom for the Classroom

Zoom is a video-conferencing tool that allows you to schedule and record live video meetings.

Learn more about the tool and how to integrate it into your classroom at Zoom for Teaching.

University Policy

Policy 1060: Non-discrimination and Anti-harassment

Policy 1060 details the University’s commitment to providing an employment, learning and campus-living environment free from unlawful Discrimination and Harassment.

Policy 1075: Non-discrimination on the Basis of Disability

Policy 1075 outlines the roles and responsibilities related to the university’s obligation to provide an environment free from discrimination on the basis of disability and the procedures by which an individual with a disability may request an accommodation or report accessibility concerns regarding University-owned or -managed facilities, programs, and online content.

Policy 2080: Equal Access for Students with Disabilities

Policy 2080 outlines student, faculty, and university responsibilities for access.

Policy 7570: Accommodating Disabilities in the Work Environment

Policy 7570 states the University’s commitment to and process for complying with applicable laws regarding Reasonable Accommodations for University employees and Applicants who have a Disability.

Policy 8040: University Web Policy

Policy 8040 outlines the rules and procedures for the use of public-facing websites, to properly portray and promote the University and protect the University’s brand and reputation, and to assist in developing and managing websites that comply with federal, state, and local laws.

Policy 8140: Information Technology Accessibility

Policy 8140 outlines the steps the University takes to ensure the University Information Technology (IT) environment is Accessible to all, and in particular to people with disabilities.

Policy 9160: Animals on Campus

Policy 9160 guides how the University supports the use of Service Animals, Support Animals, and Pets on campus.

Videos and Captioning

Camtasia Studio

Camtasia allows recording screen activity, voiceover narration, and capturing video from a camera or webcam. Camtasia’s editing feature are more advanced than Panopto’s and less technical than Adobe Creative Cloud software.


Panopto is an industry-leading video platform for creating, managing, and sharing videos securely. Boise State provides fully licensed accounts to the platform. Faculty, staff, or students have immediate access to video and screen-casting tools for creating, sharing, and searching content.


YouTube offers several features and tools you can utilize to create accessible videos including the ability to create automatic captions that you can edit for accuracy, or upload your own captions.


Zoom offers several features that can be used to create accessible videos, both during live meetings and in recordings including automatic live captioning. A fully licensed Zoom account is available to all Boise State faculty, staff, and students.

Website Resources (WordPress)

All websites are managed and created using templates and layouts that adhere to university brand identity and accessibility guidelines. Additionally, all site administrators and content creators must follow university policies related to brand identityweb accessibilityuniversity websites, and applicable laws.

Details about how to request, use, and maintain your web content is provided on Webguide.

Engage / CampusGroups

Use the Engage platform to promote your organization or club.

Google Sites

Google Sites is an easy way to create internal websites for teams, projects, and resources. Visit Google Sites at Boise State


If you have a job opportunity and want to reach students, consider using Handshake. Handshake is a career development platform specifically designed to connect students and alumni with job opportunities. Visit Handshake Post a Position

Everything Else

Third-party websites that convey an affiliation with the university must receive permission per Section 4 c., and Section 6. of University Policy 8040.

Community Resources

A11y Idaho

A11y Idaho is a community of practice to support understanding of best practices related to accessible content creation. Opportunities include open hours for drop in questions and collaboration as well as guided trainings.

Idaho Assistive Technology Project

Idaho’s AT Project (IATP) helps residents with disabilities and older adults gain independence through assistive technology. They offer:

  • Try-outs: Test equipment before you buy it.
  • Lending Library: Borrow devices to see if they work for you.
  • Expert Guidance: Consultations to find the right tech for your needs.
  • AT Marketplace: Buy, sell, or donate used assistive technology.

Idaho Commission for the Blind and Visually Impaired

The Idaho Commission for the Blind and Visually Impaired (ICBVI) helps Idahoans who are blind or visually impaired live more independent lives. They provide job training, skills training, and assistive technology to empower people and raise public awareness.

Idaho Council for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing

Idaho Council for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (ICDHH) represents the official state body focused on serving Idaho residents who are deaf or hard of hearing. You can find resources related to the ICDHH through the Idaho Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf.

Idaho Department of Vocational Rehabilitation

The Idaho Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (IDVR) is a state agency that assists individuals with disabilities in preparing for, obtaining, maintaining, or regaining employment. It is a state-federal program that provides various services tailored to individual needs, including vocational counseling, job training, assistive technology, and job placement assistance.

Living Independence Network Corporation (LINC)

Living Independence Network Corporation (LINC) is a non-profit organization and Southwest Idaho’s Center for Independent Living (CIL). It empowers individuals with disabilities to achieve their desired level of independence.

Professional Development and Learning Opportunities

Amoureux AT Consulting

The Amoureux AT Consulting learning hub offers resources on digital accessibility. There you’ll find information about consulting services and training to help individuals and organizations make their digital products and information usable by everyone. The focus is on creating accessible workplaces and content.

Boise State Micro-certification Badge

The Boise State micro-certification badge on web accessibility is a free professional development program designed to equip Boise State University employees with the skills to create accessible web content. Learn more and register at Web Tools and Remediation Micro-Certification Badge.

Chax Accessibility Training, Podcast, and Facebook Group

Chad Chelius and Dax Castro (CHAX) are accessibility experts who produce the Chax Chat podcast and own Chax Accessibility Training. Chad and Dax are dedicated to helping new and seasoned accessibility professionals learn more about accessibility. They also are moderators of the Facebook Group: PDF Accessibility.

Deque University

Deque University is an online platform that provides comprehensive training on digital accessibility. It offers a wide range of self-paced courses covering web accessibility, document accessibility, mobile accessibility, and more. The courses cater to various skill levels and roles, from beginners to experienced professionals.

International Association of Accessibility Professionals

The International Association of Accessibility Professionals (IAAP) is a non-profit organization dedicated to defining, promoting, and improving the accessibility profession globally. It serves as a hub for individuals and organizations committed to creating a more accessible world for people with disabilities.

W3C Web Accessibility Initiative

The W3C Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) is an effort by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) to make the web accessible to people with disabilities. It develops strategies, standards, and supporting resources to help individuals and organizations understand and implement accessibility.

Additionally, W3C develops MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) on the edX platform that help web developers increase their skills and empower them to become the next leaders and innovators on the Web. Browse W3C online courses

WCAG Explained

From the Get Stark Blog: Over 100 simplified and actionable explanations of every WCAG 2.2 criteria. Understanding the WCAG can feel daunting. To help, we went ahead and wrote summaries for each and every criteria. Yep. All of them.


WebAIM (Web Accessibility In Mind) is a non-profit organization based at Utah State University. It’s one of the leading providers of web accessibility expertise, offering comprehensive solutions since 1999.

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